Facing Reality

Wednesday, May 28, 2014
We had a great Memorial Day Weekend. For the first time since we started dating, my husband is on day shift. I cannot even begin to describe what a blessing it is to actually be on the same schedule and actually have a weekend with my husband. We slept in and spent some serious time cuddling on the couch while we binge-watched Game of Thrones so we can catch up to the current season. The weather was really crumby Saturday and Sunday so I didn't feel bad for spending time inside and also because I managed to convince my husband to go to the gym with me every day, which I appreciate more than he knows. 

On Monday we went to a Phillies game for their Salute the Troops Night. I was lucky enough to score free tickets from work. We headed to Philly a couple hours early so we could park and enjoy some drinks, snacks, and music before the first pitch. 

We opened up the tailgate to the SUV and got comfy in the back. It was during that time, when it hit me like a ton of bricks, that our time together is limited and weekends like this are sparse. In a few weeks I'm moving back home while my husband finishes up his enlistment in New Jersey. There's nothing I can't stand more than saying goodbye to my husband. We've already gone through several tough goodbyes and I know that this one won't be any easier. My heart hurts with the anticipation of it all.

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