Wasteful, Not

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
My mother-in-law is a wise woman, especially when it comes business in the kitchen. While at the farmer's market during her visit last week she gave me a piece of advise when it comes to limiting produce waste. In fact, it was so simple and easy I can't believe the idea had never struck me before.

I like to buy produce in bulk whenever I can because it's almost always much cheaper. I'm pretty good at not letting food go bad, but unfortunately, sometimes I don't get around to using all of it before it spoils or something gets pushed to the back of the refrigerator and goes unseen. This is where my mother-in-laws brilliant tip came in; freeze it.

Like, duh! So as if I didn't like buying things in bulk before, with this tip, now I have no reason not to. For example, at the commissary I pay around $1.59 per pepper. At the farmer's market down the street a basket of SIX peppers is $3!!!!! I mean it's pretty self explanatory.

Not only will I save money, and cut down on waste, but it's also going to cut future preparation time for cooking. It took me roughly 15 minutes to slice and separate six peppers into plastic baggies before throwing them in the freezer. Now whenever I make a quinoa salad, fajitas, or even an omelet, all I have to do is pull one of the bags out of the freezer and run it under warm water for a few short minutes while they thaw. I'm sold.

This tip was just too good to keep to myself so I had to share it with you guys.

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