Rest Day; It's Necessary

Friday, May 2, 2014
In my previous fitness post I mentioned I was going to participate in the 90 Day Blogilates Challenge that started yesterday. Well, yeah, that didn't happen. I tried out the first couple videos for yesterdays scheduled work out and I just couldn't get into it. I don't know if it was because I was just burned out from working out 5 days in a row or because the instructor on the video managed to stay annoyingly peppy while I, on the other hand, was in pain. Or maybe it was the sketchy Chinese Buffet food I ate at lunch when our office decided to all go out, which I used up my cheat meal for the week on. I can't pin point exactly what is was, but I just know I was totally out of sync yesterday.

I was definitely suffering from a.) Insufficient Glycogen Stores, or more simply, energy, b.) Fatigue and c.) Mental Burnout. So after a little research I realized that I didn't need to feel so guilty for taking a rest day. My body obviously needed a break and some time to rebuild and replenish. Today, however, is a clean slate! I feel good and ready to get moving again. After I get off work I'm going to get my Couch to 10k workout in while enjoy the gorgeous weather we have after two days of torrential downpour, ugh!

As for the Blogilates, I really don't think it's my cup of tea. I want to get back on track with weightlifting and I found some great weightlifting programs designed specifically for women. My husband said he would help me along the way because I still get extremely intimidated walking into the weightlifting section of the gym. His encouragement and guidance is so, so amazing because he not only keeps me accountable, but he helps me with my form. Plus, I enjoy any time that we spend together so why not workout with one another?

I'm leaning towards the 12 week weightlifting program that I found on It consists of lifting 4 days a week, which I LOVE because it will also allow me to keep up with my running program without overexerting myself and still allows for some rest days. So remember to be careful and kind to your body; 'cause it's the only one you got!

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