We have finally reached the second rest day of the 30 Day CrossFit Challenge! How are you holding up? Last week it was my quads, hams, and glutes that were achin' and now its my dang calves and shins! I went for a run with a friend yesterday, who is also participating in this challenge, to fulfill our 30 minute requirement for yesterday's workout. I was super excited to test out my new Polar FT4 on a longer run other than the timed mile at the end of week 1. I tried to stay in fat burning zone for the duration of the run this time, but that meant I had to jog at a fairly slow pace, which I think is weird, but anyways, my lower legs are paying for it today so I'm glad it's a rest day and I don't have to work out again until tomorrow! :)
Along with this CrossFit Challenge, I also downloaded the Couch to 10k app on my iPhone because I had so much success with the Couch to 5k app last August. Before I started using that app last year, there is no way I could have ran almost 3.2 miles without walking or dying. The Couch to 5k is a 9 week program, but I was able to run even farther than the program allotted. By the time early November rolled around I was able to run almost 7 miles! Unfortunately, because the weather turned real brutal real quick I stopped running. By the time I would get off work it was already pitch black and freezing so of course I wasn't going to run outside. I tried running on my weekends, but it was just too darn cold. Like, runny nose, can't feel your legs, hands stinging kind of cold. So then I tried to get my runs in by using the treadmill from the warm comfort of the gym; horrible idea. Running distances on a treadmill is one of the most boring and agonizing things EVER! This was when I decided to make the switch to HIIT workouts that incorporated sprints, inclines, and resistance so I didn't have to work out as long; thank goodness!
Now that the weather is finally more pleasant, I decided to saddle up and get back on the horse! If you find yourself to be like me, and you don't consider yourself a runner or you think that is impossible for you to finish running a 5k; it's not! Trust me, if I can do it, I have good faith that anybody can. The Couch to 5k is an awesome program to build your endurance and get you used to running. Plus, you only have to run every 3 days! So I highly recommend it for those of you who want to give it a go.

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