After what seemed like a never-ending winter, Spring has finally
arrived in New Jersey. We lucked out with a beautiful weekend full of
warm temps, blue skies, blossoming blooms, and lots of sunshine!
I had to work on Saturday, but I didn't mind because I got to soak up the gorgeous weather all day while I covered the Joint Base Great Easter Egg Hunt. The day was actually very entertaining. There were a lot of different activities for the kids and families to enjoy throughout the day, like face painting, bounce houses, pictures with the Easter Bunny, a DJ who was very interactive with the audience and hosted different contests and games for the kids, and there was a mini petting zoo (where I spent a pretty big chunk of time with the bunny rabbits). But, I have to say the most entertaining part of the day was witnessing all of the kids who didn't get any eggs from the actual egg hunt have complete meltdowns! And the poor parents trying to console their "traumatized" children while frantically looking around for eggs to give their kids. It was hysterical!
On a sour note, I underestimated how nice the weather was going to be because I ended with the weirdest sunburn patterns on my body; a triangle on my chest, a strip on the back of my neck, and from my mid for-arm down on both arms. Which, by the way, is still showing up on my skin.
Because the weather was so nice on Saturday, I was feeling super productive and decided to get my grocery shopping done after I got off work. Thankfully this was smart on my behalf because while I was indoors shopping, everyone else in existence was outside enjoying the long lost sunshine, so my shopping trip was quick and hassle free! After I unloaded and put away all of my goodies from the store I woke my husband up (because he works nights) and convinced him to go on a jog with me because it was just too nice of a day not too.
The spunky spring weather carried over to Sunday so I was glad to take my workout outside. Part of my workout called for running a mile for time followed by 100 jumping jacks and then I decided to throw 50 crunches in. It is SO much easier for me to run something like that outside on a track rather than inside on a treadmill, so I was thrilled to have another sunny day that allowed me to do so. I had a great run! I shaved 20 seconds off my time just from last week! I'm telling ya, that Couch to 5k program is awesome and after only one week is helping me improve my running.
Overall, it was a beautiful weekend.

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