Writing Challenge

Saturday, March 8, 2014
Since I'm still very new to this entire process I thought it would be a good idea to pick a different topic to write about every day for the rest of the month. Or until I run out of things to write about. And if that's the case I have no business writing a blog anyways. So here we go!

Ten Things I Wish People Knew About Me:

1.) I assure you all that I am much nicer than I look. Well, most of the time. I am one of those unfortunate ladies who suffer from "chronic bitch face." One of my biggest pet peeves is when people tell me I need to smile more or look happy. Look Dude, I'm obviously not smiling for a reason so who the heck are you to tell me what to do? Ugh. Seriously so annoying. I just consider myself to be more stoic than the average person. Not saying that I don't ever smile or look happy, it just takes a little more for me to reflect that than other people.

2.) I would rather spend a Friday night in cuddled up on the couch with my husband and our 2 fat cats watching movies or COPS (because that's just what we do) than going out to a crowded, overpriced bar or club that smells like puke or sweat and is filled with people on a mission to find someone to go home with for the night. Thanks, but no thanks. I already got my man. I'm good over here on the couch.

3.) I have a new found passion and confidence in the kitchen. I didn't have the need or the desire to cook anything until after my husband and I were actually living together. Which wasn't until almost a year AFTER we were married #militaryspouseproblems. Pinterest literally became my best friend. I spent my evenings and weekends with her trying to find the easiest, but yummiest option that mostly involved the ease of a crock pot. As I became more familiar around the kitchen, and noticed that my husband actually enjoyed my cooking, I gained some faith in my abilities and decided to venture on to more difficult dishes. Now I look forward to my days off when I can spend extended periods of time in kitchen cooking dinner while listening to some Lana and enjoying a glass of wine.

4.) I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Is that bad? I went to college, I got married I'm almost twenty-five years old and I still have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. Not to mention that it's hard enough to find a job these days, let alone a career, so it's not like I'm afforded the option to by choosey. But, yet I want to be choosey because I don't want to go to work every day to do something that I absolutely loathe or even worse, a place where I feel I'm not reaching my full potential. The whole thing is actually pretty scary.

5.) I have four guilty pleasures in life; wine, candles, "trash" TV, and fresh flowers. When it comes to wine, I don't discriminate; red, white, bottle, box, doesn't matter, I'll drink it all. Secondly, Bath and Body Works makes a pretty penny off of me due to the amount of candles I purchase from them. I can't help it; they just smell so amazing! When I want to dive into relax mode the first thing I do is dim the lights and spark up a 3-wick candle. Third, I don't know what I would do without my trashy TV programs to get me through my mundane weeks. I practically live at the BRAVO Network because I love me some Real Housewives, but VHI isn't far behind with my other loves Basketball Wives and Mob Wives. And who can forget Bad Girls Club on Oxygen and Teen Mom 2 on MTV?  Oh, and Dance Moms on Lifetime is always a treat too. No matter what network, I relish in watching a good train wreck on TV. Lastly, flowers. Whether it's Tulips, Sunflowers, Snapdragons, or a bouquet of Roses, fresh flowers have the power to instantly make any room cheerful and more welcoming. A vase of fresh flowers can be friendly and beautiful and even sexy all at the same time and I have a true appreciation for them. 

6.) I have a severe weakness for animals. If my husband would let me, I would bring every stray animal home that I laid my eyes on, but that's never going to happen. I cannot watch a second of those ASPCA commercials without crying and watching movies like Homeward Bound and Fox and the Hound, and even Air Bud, are completely out of the questions because I will lose it. It makes me so incredibly sad how people can be so cruel to helpless animals. I hope there is a special place in Hell for those cowards.

7.) Body image is something I have struggled with for the majority of my life. Sixth grade is when I first started comparing myself to my friends and other girls. I knew I was different and it hurt. I was transported to some pretty dark places because I felt so incredibly bad about myself already, but with the added negativity and judgements of peers I spent a great portion of my life very unhappy and very depressed. It wasn't until I escaped the pressures of high school I slowly began the process of finding happiness by taking control of my health. I'm still not 100% confident, but I'm sure if I stay on the path I'm traveling now and with the incredible encouragement and assurance I get from my husband, I know I will get there one day.

8.) I absolutely adore the relationship I have with my husband. I know it's cliché to say that my husband is my best friend, but he really is. He understands me, he respects me, he accepts me, he encourages me, but he also pushes me, and keeps me in check. Just like any genuine friendship, we have had our fair share of arguments, disagreements, and rough patches, but in spite of these bumps, we are still standing and that only solidifies how strong our bond is. There is no person I would rather come home to, cozy up with, open up to, and share my struggles with than my husband. We are complete goofballs who talk to our cats and make fun of one another in silly voices and call each other absolutely ridiculous names. We get each other. We know what we need from one another. Not to mention we do everything together. I love that he goes grocery shopping with me and I go with him to get his hair cut. We have our routines; I cook dinner and he does the dishes, I do the laundry and he cleans the bathroom, I clean up after him and he cleans up after the cats etc. and it works so well for us. My husband is not only my best friend, but he's my partner. There isn't a single person out there that I would rather be on this roller coaster of a life with.

9.) I tend to hold on to things longer than I should. I will be the first person to admit that I hold grudges. But, I'm human and I'm allowed my faults. I realize that holding grudges makes me bitter and can hinder myself from enjoying life and experiencing happiness but it's also much easier said than done to let go of particular things.

10.) My parent's are not only my heroes. I am forever grateful and indebted to my parents. By the time they were my age they already had two kids and to say it was easy would be an understatement. They struggled, worked hard, and made their way up the ladder to provide such a loving, memorable, and comfortable life for me and my sister. When I was growing up there were times when I felt like they were my sworn enemies and just thought they were the absolute worst, but isn't that typical of teens? Now, when I reflect on those times I understand that they weren't my enemies at all, but my biggest supporters. They pushed me when I needed it, not when I wanted it. They set me up to be responsible and work hard and now because of  that I've been awarded some great opportunities like purchasing my own car at such a young age, graduating from college without any student loans to pay off, becoming accustomed to paying my own bills and not relying on mommy and daddy to take care of me. There are too many young people these days that are lazy, unmotivated, spoiled, and unaware of how the world works that I am so appreciative and proud of how my parents raised my sister and me to be independent, responsible, and hard working.


  1. Hi Jodie!!

    I didn't know what I wanted to do until I was just about to turn 25. Perhaps you should look into the veterinary technician field - I did and absolutely LOVE my job!

  2. That's good to hear Chelsey! I mean, I got my degree in Communications but it's just so broad that it could lead to working in so many different fields and I guess I just don't know where to start.


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