The Inevitable Work Out Slump

Wednesday, March 12, 2014
We've all been there; that day when you've lost all motivation and you just really don't want to go to the gym or work out. I use to experience this phenomenon quite frequently so I would just go with it and skip the gym for the day. I had lost my excitement for and got bored while I was working out. So I decided to make a couple changes with my preparation and routine and boy did it make a difference.

*I am by no means a certified trainer or fitness professional. I am just sharing some tips that have helped with my motivation and actual progress in the gym.*

1.) Turn Up the Intensity:
     If you find yourself doing the same routines every time you frequent the gym, you're going to get bored. If you're a cardio junky make sure you're rotating sessions between the treadmill, bike, elliptical, etc. Doing the same workout everyday becomes monotonous and will eventually lead to a loss in interest and desire to do it. It's also a good idea to venture out of your comfort zone and try a spin class or a step class. I used to dread doing the cardio parts of my workouts because I felt like I had to run or bike for what felt like forever to see results. But recently I've become obsessed with HIIT cardio to finish up my workout and burn the same amount of calories, if not more, in half the time! Below is one of my favorite HIIT workouts that I rotate throughout my routine:


2.) Switch Up Your Music:
     I don't know about you guys, but music plays a HUGE role in the success of my work outs. Part of the reason I had grown tired of working out was because I was listening to the same playlist over and over again. Music gives me that extra pep in my step when working out so now when I start to skip through a lot of the songs on my playlist I know it's time to make a new one.
     Pandora has great stations for upbeat music that is great for cardio:
  • Dance Cardio Radio
  • Pop Fitness Radio
  • Electronic Cardio Radio
     There are also certain artists and songs that always seem to get me pumped up:
  • Avicii - "Levels"
  • Britney Spears - "Work Bitch"
  • Pitbull & Kesha - "Timber"
  • Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina - "Stereo Love"
     These songs get me so worked up sometimes that I have to physically stop myself from throwing weird air punches and jazz hands because I finally open my eyes and realize I'm on the treadmill and not the dance floor -_-

3.) Focus:
     Are you one of those people that brings a book or magazine to read while on your preferred cardio machine or who is glued to your cell phone for the duration of your workout and wonder why you're not breaking a sweat or getting results from working out? If so, listen up. Put the phone down and the book away! You're at the gym to work, not for leisure. You're never going to get the results you want if you're not putting in the hard effort. The gym is a place where you are meant to challenge yourself so get ready to sweat.
     Also, take the time you spend at the gym to work on yourself and your fitness goals, don't pay attention to Cindy Lou Who next to you. Besides, it really bothers me when people next to me creep on my stats from my workout while I'm on the elliptical and treadmill. Like, hello, MYOB!

4.) Be Prepared:
  • Pack your bag ahead of time and bring it with you. For example, I pack my gym bag the night before and bring it to work with me so that I can head over right after I get off work. You could also keep a spare bag of necessities in your car that way you're always prepared. Days when I have to go home after work because I forgot to pack my gym bag I am less likely to go because I talk myself out of it after a long day at work.
  • Plan your work outs ahead of time. This way you will be less likely to wander and waste time. Also, come up with modifications or back up plans in case the gym is crowded and that way you want have to wait to use equipment. It's also important to be mindful of your gym's peak hours to avoid crowds and waiting as well.
  •  Set goals for yourself. Chances are you are going to be more successful when you hold yourself accountable for reaching specific goals and it will ultimately lead to more positive fitness results as well. So challenge yourself to add 5 more pounds to your reps or take 10 seconds off your run time, hold that plank for an extra 30 seconds, etc.

Like I said previously, I'm no professional. This list of tips is something that has helped me personally, so I figured I should share it, but I understand that they may not work for everybody. But hey, what's the harm in trying??

Good luck!

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